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Marais des Cygnes District

Konza PrairieCharacter grows here - 4-Her holding up metalCattleCuriosity Grows HereFlowers with a walking pathKids with SheepWheat4-H PinFlowersFriedship Grows here

MdC District Paola Office

Miami County
913 N Pearl, Suite 1
Paola, KS 66071
913-294-4306 office
913-294-4301 fax
Office Hours:
8-4:30pm M-F

Kathy Goul, FCS Agent-

Karla Hightower, 4-H Agent-

Katelyn Barthol, ANR Agent-

linn office

Linn County
115 S. 6th St.
P.O. Box 160
Mound City, KS 66056
913-795-2829 office
913-294-4301 fax
Office Hours:
8-4:30pm M-F

Franny Eastwood, FCS Agent -

Abbie Powell, 4-H, ANR &
District Director- abbie2@ksu.edu

Send to all agents:

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Your local K-State Research and Extension office is a tremendous resource for finding the information that you need. Health and Nutrition, Home, Family & Money Management, and much more! But we are so much more than just a website. Visit Our Office for the person-to-person help you need!

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Our philosophy is to help people help themselves by taking university knowledge to where people live, work, play, develop, and lead. We work at being responsive to the needs of the people by focusing our resources on providing quality information, education and problem-solving programs for real concerns.

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Food Preservation 101 - 2024 -  5 locations and dates available.
Please see flyer for a location near you.


The Alzheimer's Journey - 7-Part Series - Mound City Library
Next class - September 3, 2024 - Dementia Conversations


Grub Club - Next Class -> Monday, September 9, - Ozone Osawatomie
NOTE: TIME CHANGE - Now starts 11am -
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The Voices of Demmentia:  A Communication Series - September 2024


New to Medicare - October 3, 2024 - 2 class times available

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